Operation and maintenance O&M.

The Operation and Maintenance – After Sales Service department ensures the good performance and the correct operation of the plant once it has been executed, following the quality and safety protocols established, always with highly qualified personnel and long experience in the sector.

With the O&M service, we manage to maximise production,reducing any partial or total shutdowns of the plant, thus extending the useful life of the installation and all its equipment, with an immediate response speed in search of the best solution to any incident detected, thus achieving greater profitability at all times.


We remotely monitor the operation of the installation, detecting in real time deviations in production, the drop in PR and other anomalous values that may indicate a future failure and thus be able to anticipate it.

Preventive and corrective maintenance

We carry out periodic visits to the plant to inspect the critical points of each of its elements and avoid possible breakdowns. We provide a solution to any failure or breakdown of the installation, repairing or replacing the affected equipment, components or materials involved.


For each of the action carried out, a detailed report is generated and sent to the client, keeping them fully informed. We also prepare production and plant performance reports.