
Photovoltaic plant: What is it, the types and its different parts

If we analyze any photovoltaic installation, we could see that they are made up of photovoltaic modules that capture solar energy and transform it into the electric current that supplies our homes.

A solar photovoltaic plant consists of an array of photovoltaic panels (commonly known as solar panels) that form a system that generates a large amount of renewable energy which is transported to meet the energy demand.

How photovoltaic plants work?

In order to explain how a photovoltaic solar plant works, we must begin with its most essential components: the photovoltaic cells.

By means of the famous photovoltaic effect, these cells capture solar energy and transform it into direct current. This type of energy then reaches the inverters, which are responsable for converting the direct current into alternating current (AC).

Once the direct current has been converted into alternating current, it is transported to become part of the electrical distribution network.

What types of photovoltaic power plants are there?

When it comes to categorising the different types of photovoltaic power plants currently available, we can group them according to how they are configured:

Off-grid PV plants

Off-grid photovoltaic plants are frequently used in homes that do not have access to the electricity grid because they are in areas where the distribution network does not reach.

They have batteries that accumulate energy in order to guarantee a prolonged use of energy throughout the day, thus avoiding the possibility of not having energy available at times of low solar incidence.

Grid-connected photovoltaic systems

This type of photovoltaic installation does have a connection to the energy distribution network.

They are usually located on structures, roofs, etc. and their main objective is to produce producing energy savings through the famous term “self-supply”.

Another increasingly common type of solar plants are the large “solar parks” that use large areas to generate energy that is subsequently treated and marketed.

What are the parts of a photovoltaic plant?

In general, photovoltaic solar plants have different elements, which we will discuss below:

  • Photovoltaic modules: As previously mentioned, solar modules are up of solar cells. They are also responsible for transforming the light coming from the sun into electrical energy.
  • Structures / solar trackers: The base on which the photovoltaic panels are supported. They can be static (the most common) or of the tracker type, which have a mobile structure that helps to maximize energy production.
  • Wiring: The cables of the installation are responsible for transporting the accumulated energy between the different elements of the installation.
  • Inverters: In charge of transforming direct current into alternating current.
  • Batteries: Device that allows the correct storage of the energy generated in the photovoltaic installation.

At RDS we are specialists in the development of photovoltaic projects and in the installation of photovoltaic plants for self supply in companies. If you want to count on the best professionals in the sector, do not miss the opportunity to count on our team to tackle your new photovoltaic project that will help you save on energy costs. Request for a quote without any obligation!

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